
Energi, Daya Tahan, dan Pemulihan

Manfaat Utama:
·         * Perlindungan antioksidan kuat
·         * Energi dan daya tahan
·         * Pemulihan setelah latihan  

Apa keuntungannya?
Antioksidan kuat unik ini menyediakan tubuh Anda dengan blok bangunan untuk menghasilkan energi pada tingkat sel. Anda perlu berlimpah elektron untuk menghasilkan energi. Microhydrin memberikan jumlah tertinggi elektron dari antioksidan yang tersedia.

Siapa yang dapat manfaatnya?
Semua orang bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari Microhydrin. Jika Anda membutuhkan energi, daya tahan dan peningkatan kemampuan untuk pulih dengan cepat Anda perlu Microhydrin.

Bagaimana itu digunakan?
Microhydrin dapat dikonsumsi setiap hari sebagai antioksidan kuat. Ambil satu atau dua kapsul dua kali sehari atau seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh ahli kesehatan.
60 Caps Rp.735.000.- 

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Renew, Replenish and Rejuvenate

Key Benefits:

  • Supports the body’s rejuvenation system*
  • Nutritionally supports bone marrow and the body’s natural stem cell functions*

What is it?

Stem-Kine is a unique supplement made with all natural ingredients and vitamin D through a proprietary fermentation process. This product nourishes the bone marrow supporting your body’s natural processes for producing and increasing levels of circulating stem cells.* Shown in published clinical studies to provide ideal nutrition to the bone marrow, enabling it to increase its production of stem cells, the body’s system for the renewal of diseased and damaged tissues.

What is it formulated to do?

Stem-Kine has been formulated by an expert in the field of stem cell research to nutritionally support the metabolism of bone marrow enabling it to enhance production of stem cells. By doing so, your body will have a greater ability to restore and rejuvenate itself.*

Who may benefit?

Anyone can benefit from supporting the body’s processes for increasing the number of circulating stem cells, particularly those over the age of 25.*

How is it used?

Stem-Kine is taken as a serving of 2 capsules daily.


Microhydrin (60)
Energy, Endurance, and Recovery

Key Benefits:
  • Powerful antioxidant protection*
  • Energy and endurance*
  • Recovery after exercise*
What is it?
Microhydrin is a powerful antioxidant that supplies your body building blocks to help create energy, enhance endurance and speed recovery. Microhydrin can give you the life energy not provided by our modern diets.

What is it formulated to do?
This uniquely powerful antioxidant provides your body with the building blocks to produce energy on a cellular level. You need an abundant supply of electrons to generate energy. Microhydrin provides the highest number of electrons of any antioxidant available.

Who may benefit?
Everyone can benefit from Microhydrin. If you need energy, endurance and an increased ability to recover quickly you need Microhydrin.

How is it used?
Microhydrin can be taken every day as a powerful antioxidant. Take one or two capsules twice a day or as recommended by a health care professional.*


Natural Balance and Energy

Key Benefits:
  • Promotes natural balance and vitality*
  • Boosts energy with thermogenic herbs*
  • Useful for supporting weight loss*
What is it?
Diosin is an energizing supplement containing Wild Yam, an extraordinary plant that has been used for centuries to promote optimum health and longevity for both men and women.*

What is it formulated to do?
Diosin is designed to provide an energy boost and help bring balance to the body.*

Who may benefit?
Diosin is designed for those who want more energy.*

How is it used?
Take 1 capsule before breakfast and lunch. Do not exceed 4 capsules per day and do not take before bed time.


Aids in Digestion&Immunity

Key Benefits:
  • Helps support healthy immune system*
  • Soothes entire digestion system*
  • Helps improve conditions for enhance nutrient absorption*

What is it?
Aloemannan is exclusive, high quality Aloe vera in a capsule form. Aloemannan provides powerful support to the immune system and is an excellent tonic for the entire digestive system.*

Who may benefit?
Everyone can benefit from additional immune support. Those with digestive health complaints may also benefit from Aloemannan.*

How is it used?
Two capsules of Aloemannan per day with meals.

Aloe Gelee

Aloe Gelee
Soothing Relief for Skin

Key Benefits:
  • Authentic, whole Aloe vera
  • Perfect as a light moisturizer
  • Soothes burns, cuts, scrapes and bites

What is it?

Aloe Gelee is a non-sticky gel that provides all the soothing benefits of real Aloe vera gel and other natural botanicals.

What is it formulated to do?
Aloe Gelee was created to offer the benefits of a fresh aloe plant in a form you can take with you anywhere. It is perfect to protect sun-exposed skin or to sooth cuts, burns and scrapes.

Who may benefit?
Everyone can benefit from the safe, soothing power of Aloe Gelee.

How is it used?
Simply apply anywhere on the skin where relief is needed.

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